Personal Brand: How To Find A Better Paying Job Through Personal Branding
I always get asked this question, “How will Personal Branding help me?” and this question is primarily asked by people who make a living coming in from the corporate world. So instead of explaining HOW Personal Branding will help you find a better job, let me turn the question on its head and show you HOW TO find a better paying job through Personal Branding.
There are 7 steps I make my client/customers go through.
- Personal Brand Assessment
- Personal Brand Redesign
- Personal Brand Resume
- Personal Brand Sales Pitch
- Personal Brand Communication
- Personal Brand Essence
- Personal Brand Evolution

When you go to a doctor with any problem, the first step is to check your current status, everything from your vitals to your current state. So that they know where you stand versus a list of standard measurements. The same process occurs when you approach a Personal Branding Strategist, Coach or Mentor. It is vital for the person guiding you to know where you stand in the list or the standards used to evaluate a person.
Now each person may have a different standard of evaluation and measurements. For instance, if you go to a Track & Field Coach at an Olympic Level, he may have a different threshold what he may consider average and if you go to a School Track & Field Coach, he may have a totally different (lower) level of what he may consider average. It is all subjective. That is why you should be careful whom you approach with your time, your questions, your problem and your trust.
All I can give you is this example to make you understand better. Whenever I have to give my Honda for repair — I only go to the Certified Honda Showroom. I am very aware of the fact that they charge 40% more than if I would go to a local ordinary shop. But I am far more happier knowing that the parts are original, the service is flawless & the day I want to sell my Honda, given that they maintain a record of my service — the resale value will be incredibly high. That to me is worth paying more.

So, you have completed step one in knowing where you stand at the moment, then comes the thought-provoking step.
Understanding the ASSUMED Problem
what the REAL problem is.
What do I mean by this?
Whenever clients come to me, they normally come with a specific list of requests or problems like “I want a good job but I am not getting any offers.” or “I do not know why my career progression has stalled in my organization.” or “I want to revamp my Resume” or “I am an introvert and need to be more of an extrovert. What do I do?”
Now, these are very genuine & honest concerns. However, what I have learned from Coaching & Mentoring many people is that it may not be the ‘Introvert based personality’ or ‘the politics’ or ‘the Resume format’ that is the problem. It maybe something totally different. And that is where a bit of research, study, and analysis is required where clients and their problems are concerned. And once the right problem or issues is identified, the results are magic!

This is by far the most over-hyped, under-valued & misunderstood material related to Personal Branding. Not a single day goes by where I don’t bump into yet another person who has copied someone else’s resume — either their format or a paragraph or a design. And in some cases — the entire Resume.
Now here is what I want you to consider….
- You copied the job description from the website to make sure you fit the job profile
- You copied some attractive paragraph or some really nice sounding words
- You noticed a great Resume design /color combination/template and you decided to adopt it.
Here’s the question for you to consider.
Do you think 99% of all other candidates didn’t do what you just did?
Don’t you think everyone is doing the EXACT SAME THING?
In fact, I am pretty sure you are tempted to assume “Don’t you too the exact same thing?”
Well, the answer is yes & no.
Yes, I do use the same formula.
But do I copy someone else’s resume?
Oh Hell No! Never!!!
If my work was as simple as copying someone else’s Resume, template and format, I am pretty sure my clients would have crucified me for charging them $1,500 just to copy someone else’s template.
Remember — people are not as dumb as you think they are. All the information I have access to — clients also have access to the same information. And Rebranding anyone’s material is not as simple as just copy/pasting.

This is one of the favorite challenges I give people. I ask them this question and it kind of leaves many of them stumped.
“You meet the CEO of your company in the elevator. What would be your 30-seconds elevator pitch to him which would help boost your brand & value in front of his eyes, which would result in you getting offered an opportunity or a promotion?”
Almost no one knows the answer to this question.
Even when I think about it, I always have to challenge myself to come up with yet another better answer.
Over here, I want you to understand, there is no good or perfect answer. There is no one-size-fits-all answer. However, there are bad answers and there are plenty of horrible ones.
But no matter what anyone says, I tell people one thing — YOU MUST know your 30-seconds, 60 seconds, 180 seconds & 300 seconds sales pitch.

- What do you think Adidas, Nike, Coke, Pepsi, Starbucks, Snickers or Emirates Airlines keep reminding you?
- Why do you think they keep reminding you what they keep reminding you?
- How do they keep reminding you what they keep reminding you?
- What sets their message apart from whatever it is they are reminding you?
- Finally, do you think there is any merit in these brands trying to constantly bombard you with their message?
Then if it is so vital and so important for a brand to stand out in an over-crowded platform of competitors — what would you?
What is your Personal Brand message? What is your Personal Brand philosophy? What is your Personal Brand Essence? And on top of this — are you absolutely sure this is the right message? going to the right people? from the right platform? understood in the right manner?
These are the points you have to consider here.

What do I mean by essence here?
I would say it is more or less the Do’s & Don’ts of your brand both from an External point of view and from an Internal point of view.
External point of view
- What should & shouldn’t you post online?
- What groups or affiliations you should be part of and which ones should you leave?
- Which pictures & updates should you remove asap which are hurting your brand & image
Internal point of view
- What kinds of people you shouldn’t deal with?
- What price point you will not be willing to go below
- What you will or will not accept
- What are your terms and conditions?
Once you get the answers to these questions, you will be clearer about your Personal Brand Essence.
As the name suggests — this is part where you find a direction, a path and a road to grow and be the best of what you have to be. In a day and age of constant change, ever-increasing competition, and dynamic changes that can make you totally obsolete — evolution is the key to survival.
So you have to have a Mentor, Coach or Trainer who is not only obsessed with Personal Branding but takes your Personal Brand as obsessively as you take your own Image, Identity & Information.
Over here, the strategy, the direction, the effort and the game plan is laid out which will not only impact but influence your life your Brand’s life forever.
Unless there is a purposeful direction, a well-thought-out strategy and a fire that has the fuel to go through the grind every single day, survival will become harder and harder. And that is why I always tell people — one plus one will equal to 11 — only if there is perfect harmony, chemistry & connection. And that is where a Personal Brand Mentor comes into play.
I hope these 7 pointers help you identify your key strengths, weakness and areas to develop for your brand. If you seriously focus and meditate on these points, you will expose what needs to change where your brand is concerned and you will know what needs to be worked on more for your brand to sell, stand out and survive in a cut-throat competitive world.
I know these strategies because I have applied them to my life. Now I invite you to try them and see how it works for you.
Personal Branding Strategist – The Dirty Reality Of The Online Coaching Business (Or What I Do)
Money Making Secret: How Do I Earn More Money Than My Competitors
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