2019 Resume Tips & Resume Strategies So 2019 marks the beginning of a new year. Given that the market has advertised for new jobs, new positions and you yourself...
2019 Resume Formats Isn't it still 2018? Then why am I posting about 2019 Resume formats? Well - simply because if you start NOW, you will be prepared for...
Interview Techniques: The Loy Machedo's Hardcore Interview Training Strategy Where getting a job is concerned - The name of the game is simple. Your Resume has to be world...
From the desk of Loy Machedo: Mega Resume Tips Video Library Collection People from all over the world keep sending me emails after emails To help them for FREE...
From the Desk of Loy Machedo: 13 Hilarious Resume Change Job Seekers Have Made in Their Resumes 13 Hilarious Changes Job Seekers Have Made in Their Resumes Assuming That...