Dan Lok
Have you heard that name?
Or maybe “Boss In The Bentley”
Or maybe “The Man, The Myth, The Legend”
Or maybe “Best Selling Author” for the book “FU Money”?
Seriously – No?
In fact, shouldn’t it surprise you that he nearly charges USD 163 per minute of his time to give you financial advice on business success?
Well, if you haven’t heard of him and need to know more about Dan Lok, here is a detailed analysis of this Internet Marketer.

Who is Dan Lok
Dan Lok is an Internet Marketer who positions himself as a “Serial Entrepreneur”
On Amazon he has around 10 books.
He calls himself a best selling author with 87 copies sold

On Youtube Dan Lok has around 802,515 subscribers
Dan Lok has spoken at TED
The unstoppable force which has around 338k views & 450k views
On Quora Dan Loks most famous question is “Is Dan Lok a Scam”

In fact, when I did a google search, there wasn’t anything about him that anyone other than he himself had stated.
I honestly had no idea what he did until one fine day I bumped into his profile on an Internet Marketing Site….
I was surprised to find him on ClickFunnels realized he is an Affiliate Marketer, Internet Marketer & person who sells online courses.

He has the moniker
The Man. The Myth. The Legend
Boss in the Bentley
In fact, he is also humorously called “Gangnam Style James Bond” for his flashy Bright Red Suits
Oh here is something interesting…
On his website – he has stated he was featured on ABC, NBC, Fox News, MSBC
But if you google or check on youtube – there is no such record of this.

Given that he had photographed himself next to Bentleys & Private Jets,
I decided to buy his so called best selling book and find out whatever I could about him and his nuggets of wisdom.
In comes “The FU Money”

Dan Lok’s FU Money – The analysis of the book
The book is divided into 4 parts:
- The FU money lifestyle
- The FU Money Myths
- The FU Money Mindset
- The FU Money Business
Here is my detailed analysis of his book
Dan Lok’s FU Money – Part 1
Chapter 1: What the hell is FU Money
What the hell is FU Money is Dan Lok’s definition of what is Fuck You Money. Simply put it is having excess money.
On the summary page he asks 3 questions:
- What does FU Money mean to you?
- What do your life look like if you had FU Money?
- How does it feel when you have made your FU Money?
Chapter 2: How to live like a movie start even if you are not famous
This chapter has only 2 pages and I seriously couldn’t understand what he was trying to say
Fake it till you make it?
On the summary page he asks
- Describe the material things that interest you – 20 things
- In order to live comfortably how much FU money per year should you make
He also shares his FU Money Assignment List where he lists his toys & expenses where his annual expenses are around $639,872 a year
In a side bar finally, Dan Lok defines FU Money
Any amount of money allowing the infinite perpetuation of wealth necessary to maintain a desired lifestyle without needing employment or assistance from anyone
According to him there are two proven ways to make your FU Money
- The slow way to build a big nest
- The fast way to automated income vehicles
Dan Lok’s FU Money – Part 2
The 8 FU Money Myths
Myth Number 1: Money cannot buy you happiness
– Here he speaks about the time his father suffered a stroke
In the to-do list you are supposed to complete 11 phrases that begin with
- Money is…(5 times)
- My father thought money is……
- My mother thought money is…..
And following that, you are supposed to answer the following question
- What are your beliefs about money
- Do you believe these things now
- How do these beliefs serve you
- How do these beliefs prevent you from earning FU Money
Myth Number 2: Rich people are assholes
In the assignment, you are supposed to complete the phrase
- Rich people are…….(3 times)
- Poor people are…….(3 times)
The second part of the questions are the same as the 1st myth
- What are your beliefs about money
- Do you believe these things now
- How do these beliefs serve you
- How do these beliefs prevent you from earning FU Money
Myth Number 3: You can afford to wait
In the assignment section, you are supposed to write down the answers to the following questions
- How many years from now do you want to make FU Money
- Supposed to list 5 things you can do this week to help you get closer to earning FU Money
Myth Number 4: You have to be lucky
Here he speaks about lottery ticket winners & how they lose everything after winning the money
There is no written assignment here.
Myth Number 5: You have to be a cheapstake
- He believes you have to spend more to earn more
- How he loves his credit cards as he get tons of free points but pays the debt to zero every month
- He also mentions that when he travels – he never takes a cab but a limousine as people who look at him say “Wow, he must be important”
- And finally he ends stating that he is a big tipper of good service. He gives the example of Frank Sinatra who used to tip 100 dollars for a good service
In the assignment section – you are supposed to complete the sentences
- If I could afford it, I’d….. (5 times)
- If I wasn’t so cheap, I would…..
- I’m afraid that if I didn’t save money I’d…
Myth Number 6: You have to get rich slow
- That getting rich slow doesn’t work
- Getting rich quick or fast is possible
According to Dan Lok, How you can become rich fast is:
- Dramatically increase your income
- Own a business that you can leverage on other peoples knowledge & energy
- Invest excess cash into high growth investments
In the assignment section he asks you to fill up the following information
- What resources do you need to achieve FU money
- What skills do you need to achieve FU Money
- What 5 habits prevent you from making FU Money
- Come up with alternates to your bad habits
Myth Number 7: You have to work hard to make money
Here he gives the example that he has 2 accounts:
One account he calls it the hard earned money account and the other easy money account and when he spends he spends from the easy money account
Dan Lok’s advice is
- Don’t work hard.
- Work hard at working smart
Dan Lok recommends:
Doing things once and getting paid again and again
Dan Lok (Finally) admits:
- Creating a product once and selling it many times
- He has created digital products where he has taken interviews of other people
- His sales letters, graphic art, website – created by someone else
- He promotes affiliate products through his network
In the assignment section, he asks to brainstorm 20 ways you can generate more money without working hard.
Myth Number 8: You have to be perfectly ready
Dan Lok gives the analogy of a baby trying to walk and how it eventually walks after constantly trying
He also states that he has a MBA – Massive Bank Account
He speaks about the book – The Secret where it just brain washed people into believing if they sat down and imagined – they would make money or lose weight or achieve their dreams.
He speaks on the importance of taking action.
And in the assignment, he asks to complete the following:
- If I knew I couldn’t fail, I would… (5 times)
- If I had all the skills, intelligence & contacts in the world to make FU money, I would….. (5 times)
Dan Lok’s FU Money – Part 3
Chapter 11: The FU Money is not for the Touchy Feely
Dan Lok talks about people being like crabs – trying to bring others down
According to Dan Lok, most people are morons
He states the people in our lives – the teachers, professors, the friends, parents, relatives and colleagues are all broke
In the assignment section, you have to answer the following questions
- Who are the people we admire because they are successful – what qualities do they have
- How many qualifies do you have that successful people have?
Chapter 12: If your life stinks – its your own fault
- The essence of this chapter is taking personal responsibility
- There is no written assignment here.
Chapter 13: You can’t have the glory if you don’t have the guts
- Gives the example of a person he knew who took a risk, purchased a massive property by gambling on his credit cards, borrowed money and put down a non-refundable deposit to achieve his dream.
- Dan Lok also states how you need to be bold & take risks
- There is no written assignment here.
Chapter 14: Why conventional wisdom is almost always wrong
- Dan Lok gives the example of The Beatles, the Telephone, Computer, FED EX, Post It notes being rejected and how they succeeded
- And then he states everything that people said no, he proved them wrong and achieved it.
- There is no written assignment here.
Chapter 15: The Most Important thing you can do today
- Here Dan Lok speaks about Self-Esteem, Self Confidence,
- In the assignment he asks you to list 20 past achievements of yours.
- And then the next question after that is to say “If I did it in the past, I can do it again’
Chapter 16: You can make money or excuses not both
- Dan Lok also gives 2 pages worth of excuses that people tend to make.
Chapter 17: The Power of setting up DIG – Daily Income Goals
Whatever is the amount you want to make in a year – divide into a daily amount and figure out how you can achieve that amount.
In the assignment section, he asks the following questions:
- Are we making more money today?
- What’s the most efficient use of my time right now?
- What’s the pay off of this activity
- What objectives do I want to accomplish?
- What must I do to achieve these objectives
- In what sequence should I complete them?
- What would Dan do in a situation like this?
- What would massive action look like?
Chapter 18: What you can learn from soup Nazi about dealing with clients and doing business on your own terms
- He also gives an example when he sends a broadcast email and getting hate emails.
- One of the pieces of the advice – Nobody is allowed to insult you without your permission.
- Dan Lok also speaks about ‘A Day With Dan’ where he charges USD 20,000 per day. And if anyone wants to meet him, they should come to meet him on his terms.
Assignment – the questions asked were
- If money were of no object, how would you run your business
- What kind of clients would you want to work with?
- What would your new business policies be if you changed them so you can get more money and more satisfaction?
Chapter 19: The simple system that helps you master your time and take charge of your life
- How you use your time ultimately determines how much money you make
- The fact that you cannot manage your time
- You should know how much your time is worth
- He also stated that if you want to make a Million USD per year – your per hour is worth USD 1,700 per hour
Assignment is to make a list of activities we do on a daily basis,
- Tasks to be delegated
- Who should accept this task
- How many hours you can get free
- Value of those hours
- Date you will delegate this task
Chapter 20: The amazingly simple technique that boosts daily productivity
- Dan Lok works 4 times a week
- He speaks against answering emails impulsively
- And he speaks on the importance of being focused or being laser focused.
For the assignment
- The reader is supposed to make a list of all activities that can be allotted or delegated to someone else
- And identifying only those tasks that help you make the maximum money
Dan Lok’s FU Money – Part 4
Chapter 21: The number 1 reasons people don’t make their FU Money is:
- Looking for something that sounds good
- Taking franchising opportunities
- Or being scammed
Chapter 22: The money secret shared by Bill Gates, Richard Branson & Warren Buffet
- The secret is have a vision in business, deliver value & solve a problem and that is what Dan Lok believes is the FU Money Millionaire
Chapter 23: The 9 characteristics of an Ideal Business
- Do what you love
- Stable growing & long term demand
- Be Portable
- High Profit Margins
- Scalability
- Low Start up Cost
- Requires little or no staff
- Low Overheads
- Make money when you sleep
And that is believes is the Internet Business
Assignment he gives is to answer the following questions:
- What is the most you can make at what you currently do?
- How much do you need to invest to get started
- Could it be your business is just another job where you happen to be the boss?
- Do your business provide more income than you need to live comfortable and buy the things you want
- Is what your currently doing worth all the time you are putting into it?
- Does it have a prayer of making FU Money
- If you can’t work, will your income keep coming in?
Chapter 24: How ordinary people make extraordinary income online
He gives the example of three business clients of his and their websites that he helped make successful
Chapter 25: How I went from Rags to Riches on the Internet
- In this chapter, Dan Lok shares his mentor name – Alan Jacques who was the master at crafting killer sales letter
- How he made a living as a Professional Copywriter
- How he sold his first physical book – Forbidden Psychological Tactics
- His first ebook ‘The Insider Secrets to Marketing Your Business on Internet”
- Launched his piece of software “Instant Cash Copy” which helps business owners crank out killer ad copy without hiring expensive copy writers
Chapter 26: The 7 Golden keys to internet riches
- The market comes first
- Create a simple easy to navigate website that sells
- Build a business not a money maker
- Create a multiple income streams in one business – dont create many diversified businesses
- Leverage the time & resources of others
- Use your personality to sell (Tony Robbins versus Robert Kiyosaki)
- Position your business for automated growth

Dan Lok’s FU Money
- This is a book you can read within an hour while listening to music and putting your baby to sleep
- The book is at its best a very poorly written piece of literature.
- The nuggets of advice is put under the side heading of “Lokism” like
Lokism #10 – Money is the root of all good
Lokism #11 – If you don’t like the rich, you can forget about ever becoming one of us
Lokism #14 – Making huge sums of money consistently requires a set of skills
Lokism #19 – I refused to be poor even when I was broke - No where in the book does he explicitly state that he is an Internet & Affiliate marketer
- His website is impressive. Makes him look like a Billionaire. Although its not clear what does he specialize in or what does he actually do

So now final verdict?
A few days ago, I had a facebook follower of mine who booked a session with Dan Lok for 15 minutes @ $166 per minute to have a life changing session on “How to 10X his revenues”. The reason I bring this up is the idiot literally withdrew from his credit card (he has 5 fully maxed out) and he booked the session. And then following that – he happily bragged about it on Social Media to let the world know he was “serious” about not leaving any stone unturned.
Now personally, I have no idea what advice he would give him that could “10X” his life in 15 minutes, but I can assure you, the $2,500 USD he spent…. will be the most memorable and expensive call-per-minute he has ever undertaken.
Dan Lok is an Internet Marketer whose rise to fame is his rise to fame. He appeals to those people who are attracted to the “Shiny Object Syndrome” and want to earn a 7-figure income or 8-figure income bracket with generic, mindless & pointless pieces of advice on “How to get rich”. In fact the only person whom I know and can guarantee gets rich is Dan Lok himself by charging these mindless sheep USD 166 per hour for his time & advice. Personally, I do not think Dan Lok has anything worthwhile to offer other than promote and market himself as the Savior and Guide for the desperate fools who assume they can become rich & successful by listening to crappy, recycled & generic advice.
So if you have money to blow and waste and the curiosity to listen to generic nonsense – Dan Lok aka The Boss in the Bentley aka The Man, The Myth, The Legend is for you.
These are the Tai Lopez, Grant Cardone & Dan Pena Internet Marketers of our generation who show you their toys and make you fools for their quick-get-rich lifestyle. Mind you – they are rich ONLY and ONLY because you pay them your hard earned money. That’s how they are rich. And their secret to success & richness is that you purchased their video, online course or online product or service and that is how they become rich.
Funny right?
They become rich because they teach you how to become rich.
And you pay them money to teach you how to become rich?
Personally, I wouldn’t spend more money than the cost of downloading his ‘best selling’ book, reading it and throwing it away (aka delete) from your hard-disk.
Overall Rating for Dan Lok’s FU Money
Another FU from my side.
Loy Machedo